Is your home gym gathering dust?

Is your home gym gathering dust?


Having a home gym has some amazing benefits – but only if you use it!


There are many benefits to having your own home gym set up, some of the best ones include

  1. Save time – no travel to and from gym
  2. Convenience – workout whenever you feel like it, even if you can only spare 15 minutes
  3. No excuses – things like “too hot, too cold, raining, don’t have a babysitter, don’t have time” no longer present valid excuses when the gear is in your own home
  4. Privacy – focus on your workout and not worry about what others are doing or thinking
  5. Control your environment – you choose the temperature, the tv channel and the music
  6. Cost effective – in the long term owning your own home gym is much more affordable than a long term gym membership

However – we all know that these benefits only apply if you actually use the home gym. All too often the treadmill, stationary bike or the big bowflex machine start gathering dust in the corner, and become nothing more than an expensive clothes rack.

What can you do?

If you want to make sure you don’t waste that investment and leave the equipment gathering dust in your garage, then you might consider hiring a Personal Trainer to come around and make sure you use it. Whether it’s once a week, once a fortnight or just once a month, having the accountability and expertise of a professional Personal Trainer is priceless to help keep you on track.

The benefits of working with a Personal Trainer are scientifically proven to increase exercise motivation, accountability and results. Our professional, friendly, down to earth Personal Trainers can offer you several things to help you make the most of your home gym:

  1. Motivation – having a set appointment time, and having someone guide and push you to work hard through a session greatly increases you likelihood to not only show up to train, but also to push harder than you would on your own
  2. Try new things –Your home gym probably came with an instruction booklet, but there’s only so many things they can teach you. With years of experience and creativity under their belt, our Trainers are likely to be able to teach you new and interesting ways to use your equipment to stop you getting bored.
  3. Check technique– many exercise related injuries stem from poor technique. Even the slightest incorrect posture or joint movement, when done under load over and over again, can lead to chronic inflammation and overuse injuries. A Personal Trainer can check your technique and make sure you are engaging the right muscles, breathing correctly and working your body in a way that is mechanically sound to reduce your risk of injuries and pain.
  4. Balanced program – one thing that can often be overlooked when people train themselves is keeping the body in balance by training all the muscle groups in an appropriate order and proportion. Our Personal Trainers will help make sure you are addressing all your muscle groups equally to avoid overly shot/tight muscles and underactive/weak muscles causing postural imbalances. You also need to factor in your lifestyle and daily needs. Do you work a job that requires you to sit down a lot? We might need to spend more time strengthening your hip extensors and stretching your hip flexors. Do you carry a small child on one hip? We might need to stretch and strengthen opposing obliques and traps to help balance you out.
  5. Goal setting – another crucial factor to maintain your exercise program is having goals and achievements you are reaching for along the way. Working with a Trainer can help you set and measure your goals, and your progress to make sure you stay focussed.

If this seems like a good option for you, of if you’d like to ask us some more questions, fill out the enquiry form and one of our friendly Trainers will be in touch shortly!